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其宗旨在于属灵连结、经验分享、同工训练、圣灵更新、资源交流及异象传递,建造荣耀的教会。美东灵粮特会过去三次在纽约成功举办,吸引千人前来参加,为心存渴慕的信徒提供了精彩充实的心灵飨宴。此次特会以「新的季节 新的恩膏」为主题,中英双语。
主要讲员由刘彤牧师、 刘梅蕾师母、Dean Sherman牧师及萧慕道牧师。另外还有16个专题讲座,内容涵盖教会建造、圣灵大能、祷告医治、校园宣教、亲子家庭及教会前瞻等内容。
特会时间:2018.5.25 – 27
特会地点: 纽约丰收灵粮堂
54-47 Little Neck Parkway NY 11362
美東靈糧特會 (ECBOLC)
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其宗旨在於屬靈連結、經驗分享、同工訓練、聖靈更新、資源交流及異象傳遞,建造榮耀的教會。美東靈糧特會過去三次在紐約成功舉辦,吸引千人前來參加,為心存渴慕的信徒提供了精彩充實的心靈饗宴。此次特會以「新的季節 新的恩膏」為主題,中英雙語。
主要講員由劉彤牧師、 劉梅蕾師母、Dean Sherman牧師及蕭慕道牧師。另外還有16個專題講座,內容涵蓋教會建造、聖靈大能、禱告醫治、校園宣教、親子家庭及教會前瞻等內容。
特會时间:2018.5.25 – 27
特會地点: 紐約豐收靈糧堂
54-47 Little Neck Parkway NY 11362
East Coast Bread of Life Conference (ECBOLC)
Welcome you and your families to participate in the 5th session of the East Coast Bread of Life Conference!
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Believe that God will preach the revived message through the shepherds and provoke us to preach the gospel to build the church and transform the revival. May you listen to God’s Word, meditate on the grace of God, live in harmony with your brothers and sisters, and return with the rich, rich grace of a man with a heart of admiration. Since ECBOLC was held, it has become one of the largest and most influential gatherings of North American Chinese churches.
Its purpose is spiritual connection, sharing of experience, training of fellow workers, renewal of the Holy Spirit, exchange of resources, and transmission of visions to build glorious churches. The ECBOLC was successfully held in New York in the past Four times, attracting thousands of people to attend and providing heartfelt believers with a wonderful and fulfilling spiritual feast. The special session will feature the theme of “new season and new anointing.”
The main speakers were Pastor Tong Liu, Master Belinda Liu, Pastor Dean Sherman and Pastor Mudao Xiao. There are also 16 special lectures covering the construction of the church, the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer and healing, school missions, parent-child families, and church outlook.
The special meeting will use the newly-built hall of Harvest Church and the traffic is convenient. The special meeting will inspire us to pray for the United States urgently to proclaim the gospel and build the church. The testimony of Christians should not be confined to the high walls of churches, but also bring influence in society, the workplace, the city, and the country. The United States fears God, the economy recovers, and the people of politics and peace. Let us work together to transform the city and rejuvenate this place!
Conference Date : 2018.5.25 – 27
Location: Harvest Church in New York
54-47 Little Neck Parkway NY 11362
SPEAKERS 講員信息/讲员信息
Pastor Tong Liu/Reverend Pastor, River of Life Christian Church, Silicon Valley
Pastor Liu founded the River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) in Silicon Valley in 1995. At present, the number of people gathered exceeds 3,000, making it the largest Chinese church in the United States. ROLCC has established more than 110 affiliated churches around the world. Pastor Liu led and worshiped to be full of vigor, preaching the information in a simple and easy way. The “Spiritual Hot Line” that he spoke on helped the disciple spiritually and was well received by the audience.
狄恩舒曼牧師(Dean Sharman)
青年使命團(Youth With a Mission)之資深教師,萬國大學教務主任。常年在各地擔綱教導,是全世界知名的講員。舒曼牧師擅長闡釋有關人際關係及屬靈爭戰方面的課題。著有《基督徒屬靈爭戰》等多本著作及教學影片。
狄恩舒曼牧师(Dean Sharman)
青年使命团(Youth With a Mission)之资深教师,万国大学教务主任。常年在各地担纲教导,是全世界知名的讲员。舒曼牧师擅长阐释有关人际关系及属灵争战方面的课题。着有《基督徒属灵争战》等多本着作及教学影片。
Pastor Dean Sharman
Senior Associate of Youth With a Mission, Director of the University of International Education. He teaches at various places all year round and is a world-renowned speaker. Pastor Schumann specializes in interpreting issues related to human relationships and spiritual warfare. He has written and taught films such as “Christian Spiritual Warfare”.
Master Mrs. Melinda Liu
Double Portion Ministries Founder. For many years, she has been pastoring together with her husband, Tong Liu, in the River of Life Christian Church in Silicon Valley. She often leads special conferences and seminars around the world, and she has written bestsellers such as “Woman’s curses and blessings” and “Pray for the child’s spiritual character.”
Pastor Mudao Xiao/Reverend Pastor, Harvest Church in New York
In 2001, Pastor Xiao founded the Harvest Church in New York. Since 2013, Pastor Xiao has served as Chairman of the Chinese Christian Worker Inc. in New York.
Time 时间 | Fri. 周五(5/25) | Sat. 周六(5/26) | Sun. 主日 (5/27) | |
09:30am-10:00am | Worship 敬拜赞美 | Worship 敬拜赞美 | ||
10:00am-11:00am | Sermon讲道 2刘梅蕾师母 M. Melinda | Sermon讲道 5刘彤牧师 Rev. Tong Liu | ||
11:00am-11:15am | Break休息 | Break休息 | ||
11:15am-12:15am | Sermon讲道 3萧慕道牧师 Rev. Xiao | Sermon讲道 6Pastor Dean Sherman | ||
12:30pm-02:30pm | 午餐Lunch牧者餐会Pastors Luncheon | 午餐Lunch弟兄/姊妹餐会 Brother/Sister Luncheon | ||
02:45pm-04:00pm | Workshop专题研习会AA1刘梅蕾M. Melinda:看见更大的事A2郑立新 Pastor Lenny:抢救下一代A3许力弘 Rev. Jeff Shu:营造双赢夫妻沟通的艺术 (上)A4. 英Pastor Dean Sherman: The Principles of Spiritual warfare | Workshop专题研习会 CC1黄祖庄Pastor Joe:进校园出宣教 -扩张与坚固研究生的宣教生命C2陈昌文Dr. Changwen Chen:从神的话语学习如何保守我们身体的健康C3李琳晖Pastor Lilly: 建造幸福家庭C4. 英Pastor Dean Sherman: How to Hear the Voice of God | ||
04:15pm-05:30pm | Registration注册报到 | Workshop专题研习会 BB1萧慕道Rev. Xiao 宗教新规后 中国大陆教会前瞻B2林郁华Rev. Ruth Lin:接待圣灵:成为神同在导向的教会B3许力弘 Rev. Jeff Shu:营造双赢夫妻沟通的艺术 (下)B4. 英Becky Fisher: Raising a Supernatural Generation 培養超自然的下一代 (英翻中) | Workshop专题研习会 DD1刘梅蕾M. Melinda:宣教从祷告开始D2胡贻难Rev. Yinan Hu:全新的形塑D3刘慧玲Sister Vicky Liew:如何建立儿童主日学D4. 英Pastor Lenny Cheng:Retake Dominion | |
06:00pm-07:30pm | 晚餐 Dinner | |||
08:00pm-09:30pm | 开幕式OpeningSermon讲道 1刘彤牧师Rev. Tong Liu | Sermon讲道 4Pastor Dean Sherman | 闭幕式ClosingSermon讲道 7刘彤牧师Rev. Tong Liu | |